Veritas Christian Community School
A K-12 Classical Christian School for the next generation
Veritas is Latin for “truth.” Our foundational worldview is based upon the truth of the unchangeable Word of God, the Bible. Veritas strives to reflect the truth, beauty, and goodness of our Creator by providing an orderly, challenging, loving, and joyful learning environment.
About Us
Rooted in Western Civilization
The classical method of instruction is practiced in all classrooms at Veritas. We emphasize grammar, the fundamental facts and rules of each subject; logic, the ordered relationship of particulars in each subject; and rhetoric, the clear expression of the grammar and logic of each subject. Above all, our highest goal is to provide a rigorous educational environment that challenges our students to live and think from a Christian worldview.
A Liberal Arts Education
Our goal is to give every student the ability to discern the truth based upon God’s Word, master the truths involved, apply these truths to his own life, and finally, to bring God’s truth to the world.
Read our Statement of Faith

Doce Me Domine
Teach me thy way, O Lord: I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. Psalm 86:11
Student body size
Years of Veritas
Graduates since 2001