“Latin and Greek are not dead languages, they have merely ceased to be mortal.” J.K. McKail.

At Veritas, Latin instruction begins in third grade and continues through ninth grade.  Learning Latin is helpful to students as they seek to understand the vocabulary and structure of English, since many English words have Latin roots.  With few exceptions to the rule, Latin grammar is more precise than English, and thus lays a firm foundation for understanding English grammar and its many exceptions to the rule.  The root of Spanish and other romance languages is Latin and therefore studying Latin before Spanish benefits students in their future studies.  Latin is the language of science and medicine, making the vocabulary in these areas of study more readily understandable.  Understanding Latin supports an understanding of the roots of western civilization, as much of the ancient writings that expose the roots of our culture are in Latin.   We do not include the study of Latin simply because it is difficult; however there is something to be said for mastering that which is difficult.  Through the study of Latin students will understand the influence of the Latin language throughout history and its importance in preserving God’s Word and other fundamental Christian writings.


Grammar students will focus on memorizing forms and rules of usage, as well as vocabulary.  Logic students will continue to increase their vocabulary and knowledge of Latin grammar, while they work on translations of Latin text from the Vulgate and Aesop’s Fables. Students will also memorize the Confession of Faith and various quotations in Latin.  Rhetoric students, specifically ninth graders, will receive an in-depth knowledge in grammar by studying Jenney’s First Year Latin. They also will enlarge their vocabulary and learn about Roman culture and tradition.


In tenth and eleventh grade Veritas students study Spanish.  Given our close proximity to Mexico, they will find the ability to understand and converse in Spanish, at least on a basic level, very helpful as they have opportunity to minister to our neighbors to the south.  Studying a modern language also gives them an awareness of and compassion for other cultures.


In their senior year, Veritas students study Greek, not because it is classical, but so that they might be better equipped to deal rightly with the Word of God.  They study New Testament Greek, enhancing their own personal Bible study.  Readings of the original Biblical text are part of each lesson.